People with anorexia generally view themselves as overweight, even if they’re dangerously underweight. People will constantly monitor their weight, avoid eating certain types of foods, and severely restrict their calories.
People with a bulimic eating disorder have the tendencies to eat whatever quantity of food whether it’s large or small and immediately after finishing their food will throw up what they have eaten. This causes for tooth decay, dry mouth, bad breath, and issues regulating gag reflex
Binge eating:
People with binge eating disorder tend to start a binge after a traumatic experience or memory. A binge session is when a person eats an unusually large amount of food over a short amount of time. Binging can also happen over multiple days involving constant overeating. Binges also frequently happen at night after a person does not eat enough during the day.
Binge Eating is actually the most prevalent eating disorder
avoiding eating in public places
Chewing gum (bulimia)
Rapid weight loss
Avoids talking about weight, health, food
Checking nutrition facts on food packages
Irregular fair complexion
Excessive water consumption
Over or under sleeping
